VoIP Has a Significant Role in Modern Collaboration

VoIP Has a Significant Role in Modern Collaboration

Voice over Internet Protocol is undeniably useful as over 30 percent of businesses now use the technology as their predominant communications method. Many people don’t know that beyond telephony, VoIP plays a significant role in modern collaboration by integrating with other communication and collaboration tools. Here are some of the key ways VoIP enhances collaboration and provides major benefits for businesses of all sizes.


Microsoft Copilot – What Business Owners Need to Know

Microsoft Copilot - What Business Owners Need to Know

AI is, by a landslide, the technology of the year. It was just a matter of time before Microsoft introduced their own enterprise-ready AI platform, and just like the launch of most emerging technologies, there is a lot of confusion and unanswered questions, so let’s talk about what Copilot is, and go over some things you should know as a business owner.


Agile Decision Making Can Significantly Help a Business

Agile Decision Making Can Significantly Help a Business

Successful businesses often need to adapt to changing market conditions, consumer preferences, and industry trends. This means that they have to not only understand their business, but they also need to stay open to making innovative changes. Let’s look at six examples of changes that the average business may need to make to remain successful.


State of Maine Hacked, 1.3 Million Citizens’ Information Taken

State of Maine Hacked, 1.3 Million Citizens’ Information Taken

The State of Maine in the United States has been the victim of a cyberattack.

That’s right, the whole state was hacked by a Russian hacking collective. 

The state claims that over 1.3 million people’s personal information was compromised via an already known vulnerability in secure transfer service MOVEit Transfer. Unfortunately for the people of Maine, this vulnerability is known to be used by the Cl0p ransomware gang, based out of Russia.


Getting Started Using Your Data to Build a More Effective Business

Getting Started Using Your Data to Build a More Effective Business

Business Intelligence (BI) is a platform that uses the data that your business creates to help you make advanced business decisions. Starting to use data for business intelligence involves several key steps to effectively gather the data you want to sort through and successfully analyze it in a way that can allow you to understand your business better. 


Controlling Support Costs Requires a Team Effort

Controlling Support Costs Requires a Team Effort

Businesses are relying on technology more and more. As they implement more technology, controlling their support costs is important for any organization if they plan to manage their budget effectively. With between three and six percent of a business’ revenue being spent on technology, going over the monthly budget can have negative effects on your business’ ability to spend elsewhere.


Three Ways You Can Confront Runaway Printing Costs

Three Ways You Can Confront Runaway Printing Costs

Printing has long been an integral aspect of doing business. In recent years people have witnessed a significant decrease in the necessity for printed materials. Despite this trend, many businesses continue to spend unnecessary resources on superfluous printing. Like every business, cost is a factor. We’ll offer you three valuable recommendations for consistently decreasing your printing expenses.


How to Waste Less Money on Printing

How to Waste Less Money on Printing

It’s very easy for printing to become a massive resource sink for your business, contributing to a considerable amount of waste. Businesses often take measures to lessen the amount of paper consumption in the workplace to help offset the cost of printing. Let’s look at some ways you can prevent printing from eating away at your profits.
