Many businesses turn to Microsoft Outlook as their email client of choice. Did you know that Outlook comes with certain features that make it an even better business option? To help you get the most use out of Outlook, we’re sharing a few of these features as this week’s tip.
Consolidate Your Email with the Clean Up Tool
Businesses often use email to communicate between groups of people, which is a really useful practice for keeping people apprised and in-the-know of what’s going on. These messages, however, can quickly become repetitive, incoherent messes as participants reply to them, duplicating the thread within itself. Outlook includes a utility known as the Clean Up tool to fix these problems in your email conversations and even in entire email folders.
By finding the Clean Up icon in the ribbon at the top of your Outlook window, you can access a drop-down menu. This menu offers to Clean Up Conversation, Clean Up Folder or Clean Up Folder & Subfolders. Once you’ve confirmed your choice, you can access Clean Up settings, which allow you more granular control over how the tool sorts through your existing conversations.
Schedule Out a Message with Future Delivery
Sometimes you’ll have an opportune moment to send an email, but it isn’t the right time for this email to be received. For instance, if you want to share something with your employees to keep in mind throughout the next day, it doesn’t make sense to distribute it at the end of the day before for it to be forgotten. Outlook allows you to use your opportunity to your full advantage with Future Delivery.
Once you’ve written an email, click Options, and then choose Delay Delivery. This opens a Properties box for that specific message, including Delivery Options that include a checkbox labeled “Do not deliver before.” Selecting this option and specifying a time and date will prevent your recipient from receiving your message before that point. Once you’re satisfied, close the Properties box and send the message just like any other.
Taking Advantage of Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are used to simplify access to commonly used functions in many computer programs and applications, and Outlook is no exception. For instance, Outlook features shortcuts for a wide range of its functionality that cover the basics such as composing a new message by pressing Ctrl+Shift+M, organizational tools such as moving a message with Ctrl+Shift+V or annotating your messages such as adding flags to important ones with Ctrl+Shift+G.
This is really just the start of Outlook’s capabilities to help your operations. Check back at our blog to see more!