What the Recent Internet Outage Tells Us About Its Potential Vulnerability

Over the week of June 14, a lot of applications and websites experienced outages, creating problems for many companies until it was resolved. Not only did these outages create business continuity issues, they’ve also exposed just how vulnerable the internet is to these kinds of issues. Let’s take a look at what happened.

Mobile Management Best Practices

Mobile technology has permeated the workplace in countless ways. Many businesses will provide company-owned devices, be they laptops or smartphones, to employees so they can get work done while out of the office. This brings several opportunities for productivity into focus, but it also highlights some of the many risks associated with mobile devices. Here are […]

Three IT Services to Boost Efficiency

Businesses are always looking for a way to be more effective. Whether that be avoiding operational hiccups, cutting costs or anything else that aids them in an effort to provide a superior product or service. For businesses that take advantage of dynamic technology solutions in effort to enhance productivity through collaboration and automation, keeping the […]

Don’t Pull Your Hair Out Over Human Resources

Businesses go about their human resources in all different ways, but in today’s small and medium-sized business, it may not be looked on as crucially as it once was. Your HR department may have a lot of responsibilities, but today, there are tools that are available that can keep organizations from investing large amounts of […]

Should IT’s Role Be Expanding in Your Business?

Every business’ goal is to turn enough of a profit, and some businesses are better at it than others. One way modern businesses can improve their revenue generation is by utilizing technology to cut down on inefficiencies and fuel productivity through collaboration. Today, we’ll take a look at some of the ways that businesses can […]

Why a Document Management System Can Be Powerful

Paperwork has long been associated closely with life in the office, but like so many other “classic” workplace elements, it has been replaced by more modern means. In this case, a document management system (DMS) offers a small-to-medium-sized business far more utility than its predecessor, the filing cabinet.

Finding the Right Management Software for Your Business

Software is a major part of doing business nowadays. Not only do you depend on it to manage core functions of your business, that software can be purchased in multiple different methods. When choosing management software, your business needs to choose one that fits your needs, returns long-term benefits and provides a platform that will […]

If You Don’t Do Technology Right, You May Regret Doing It at All

Businesses of all kinds depend on the technology they use, whether it’s email, a CRM or just a single PC with a spreadsheet program. Those businesses that keep it simple have to know that there is technology out there that can help them bring in more revenue streams or properly manage the ones they already […]