Automation Can Remove Your Business’ Training Wheels

Automation as a concept is on the rise, and so too is its practice. Even before COVID-19 created considerable problems for several businesses, it was in use, and there is no reason for it to fall out of fashion now. There are plenty of ways your organization can implement automation to improve operations moving forward.

A Digital Signage Revamp Can Change Your Business’ Optics

Have you ever considered why the VoIP auto attendant feature is so valuable? When a person is greeted with directions that make their journey easier, it typically improves their general opinion of your business. The VoIP auto attendant feature helps guide you through their telephone system. Now, have you ever been to a place where […]

Remote Meetings Require the Right Technology

Today’s world of video conferences and remote work means that many workers are forced to endure the dreaded “Zoom call” or “Teams meeting,” whichever solution is implemented at their organization. While these terms might be used in a negative way, there are opportunities for you to improve the way you hold your video chats. Here […]

3 Useful Smart Devices You Can Implement Today

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly and can be of benefit to your organization if it is deployed correctly. It offers a massive opportunity to automate certain parts of your business, saving money and ensuring that human error is taken out of the equation. A majority of businesses have not fully taken advantage […]

Phones for 2022 – The Flagships

The modern smartphone market is one of ingenuity, communication and productivity, all of which are extraordinarily important in today’s business world. To help you stay apprised of the various developments in the smartphone market, we’ve put together a blog detailing the various flagship smartphone devices for early 2022.

Your IT’s Biggest Challenge can be Settled with an MSP

How does your business manage its IT resources? Do you have a chief information officer (CIO) in-house who manages everything related to your technology? If not, who is the one responsible for managing and maintaining your systems? If you don’t know the answer to this question, we have a reality check for you: You need to.

Do Humans Create Bias in the AI We’ve Developed?

Science fiction shows artificial intelligence to be an entity compelled purely by logic, driven only by objective facts. AI tools used by businesses and in the real world, however, are a far cry from this perception. AI systems have some biases in their operations. Let’s take a look at some of them and how you […]