What Virtual Assistant Is Right for You?

Virtual assistants have become some of the most common technologies out there. With mobile devices taking over the personal and professional lives of users, we suppose it’s natural that virtual assistants have flourished in today’s workplace. What are these assistants, and what are they capable of?

Hackers Plus Artificial Intelligence Equals Big Trouble

Thanks to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity professionals have to reconsider how they approach these threats. Machine learning is one option, as it can help today’s modern solutions learn how to be more effective against advanced threats. On the other hand, there’s nothing stopping the other side from also taking advantage of artificial […]

Artificial Intelligence Is Moving Businesses Forward

There is an interesting segment of today’s workforce who don’t trust the idea of artificial intelligence. They believe it’s inevitable that artificial intelligence is going to take off. That’s why they believe that in using AI to streamline data analysis, they’re on the front lines of the war to come. The artificially intelligent systems we […]

Where You May be Seeing More AI Soon

The notion of artificial intelligence (AI) has played out in fiction, on the silver screen and on the small screen for decades. Instead of having sentient cyborgs that enslave humanity, people are using AI for our benefit. Today, we take a look at the AI of 2018, and how your business can leverage it for […]