We Celebrate National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and we thought we’d share some of our very best tips and tricks to help you and your business keep your data and network safe in the modern ever-changing threat landscape. Cyberattacks can happen anytime, so being aware is crucial. That’s why cybersecurity in the modern business starts with […]

The Major Value of Backup and Disaster Recovery

We are constantly advocating the usefulness of having a comprehensive data backup and disaster recovery (BDR) system in place. This is because you never know when some detrimental situation is going to negatively affect your information systems, and being prepared for that eventuality is a prudent business decision. In the modern office, the need for […]

Data Recovery: Find Your Balance

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking about data backup as something unnecessary. After all, the only reason to ever have it is if you somehow experience a critical data loss situation, and that’s extremely unlikely, right? It’s the wrong mindset to have, especially if you want to think about your business’ future. […]

The Benefits of Data Backup Far Outweigh the Costs

Businesses don’t like to spend money on solutions they don’t need. You’d rather make sure you hit payroll, dish out Christmas bonuses and have something left over to grow. With this in mind, a business that doesn’t properly back up their data might not get a chance to make payroll, dish out bonuses or even […]

8 Data Backup Terms You Should Know

Data is an asset, there’s no getting around this fact. Therefore, your business needs to consider it important enough to protect with a data backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solution, as even something unlikely, like a natural disaster or hacking attack, could place your organization in danger. We’ll take a look at some of the […]

Back Up Your Best Business

Businesses need to be prepared for the worst, as disasters could strike at any moment and cause irreparable data loss. One of the ways your business can break in the new year with confidence is with a backup and disaster recovery (BDR) strategy that minimizes downtime and keeps your organization safe from events beyond your […]

The Right Data Recovery Strategy Is Important to Protect Your Business

Data recovery is a major consideration that every organization that depends on data has to plan for as a part of their business continuity strategy. Since there are so many ways that businesses can lose data, there needs to be a plan to recover data for any possible reason. Today, we’ll take a different look […]

The Best Way to Approach Data Backup

All businesses hope they’ll never have to use their data backup and disaster recovery (BDR) plan, but each business should have one, in the event of a worst-case scenario. For a small business with a limited budget, the prospect of investing in a solution they might never need is disconcerting. To help you get started, […]

Is Your Data Recovery Plan Going to Work?

If you’re ever asked about your data backup solution, the last answer you want to give is that you don’t know what measures you’re implementing to keep your organization safe from a worst-case scenario. There are different kinds of data backup and disaster recovery, but they almost always depend on two specific benchmarks: Recovery Point […]