3 Practical Uses for Blockchain Technology

Blockchain has been one of the most-talked-about new technologies for several years now. When we first heard about it, it had the potential to solve hundreds of problems, but there weren’t any real-world applications available. Today, we’ll take a look at three applications for blockchain that are available today.

How Blockchain is Changing Health Technology

You’d think that the health care industry would be at the very cutting edge when it comes to information technology implementation. That isn’t always the case. One technology that developers are really looking to take advantage of in the health care space is blockchain. The technology behind cryptocurrency is being used to help patients better […]

More Industries are Seeing Accountability and Security with Blockchain

Blockchain is one of the most dynamic new technologies, but up until recently, there hasn’t been a lot accomplished in the way of creating viable distributed software titles. In fact, the most recognized technology created with blockchain is cryptocurrency. This says quite a bit. Today, we’ll look at blockchain-enhanced software and how it’s only a […]

A Brief Look at Emerging Technologies

There is some fear in implementing new technology. Not really knowing what to expect and how it will resonate with your current systems and staff can be nerve-wracking for even the most hardened entrepreneur. Today, there are a few technologies that have emerged and are on the cusp of being integrated into more business settings. […]

Your Business Could Benefit from Blockchain

Blockchain is typically associated with Bitcoin. This shouldn’t come as a shocker, because primarily that is what it’s used for. However, blockchain isn’t a program or a product, it’s a technology. Blockchain technology has endless possibilities when it comes to real world implementation. In the near future, it’ll likely be utilized in many business transactions […]

Three Technology Trends We’ve Witnessed in 2019

Businesses are increasingly adopting more advanced technologies to benefit their operations. We’ve seen a few of these technologies really come into the public eye this year. That’s why we wanted to take some time to review these tools and time-saving solutions with you so you know about the ways your business procedures can improve through […]

Is Blockchain a Shield for Cybercrime?

Blockchain technology is all the rage these days. Business owners are going to start hearing this buzzword as a bullet point in software solutions. Developers from all over the world are trying to harness the power of encrypted, distributed data, mainly due to the reputation that blockchain has regarding the “unhackable” permanence of the data […]

Exciting Blockchain-Fueled Applications Are Coming

You’ve probably heard the term “blockchain” at least a couple of times over the past year, but what does it mean? How are organizations using it? The most obvious and well-known use for it is cryptocurrency, but it’s far from the only use of blockchain. We’ll delve into what blockchain technology is, how it is […]

Is Blockchain the Future of Cybersecurity?

A lot has been made of the blockchain recently. Not just because it’s the technology used to fuel the thousands of cryptocurrencies there are now, but because the distributed nature of the technology has become the model for many new technological strategies. There are plans to use blockchain technology to do many things, but one […]