Have You Kept Up with Your Security Audits?

When a business undergoes a security audit, its IT security is evaluated to make sure it has the proper protections in place to protect against the various threats that could strike. Now, more than ever, it is important for any organization to be confident in their preparedness. Let’s discuss the importance of assessing your own […]

PCI Compliance 101

Does your business accept credit cards? Regardless of what industry you are in, your customers are now using payment cards for a large portion of their retail transactions both online and in-store. To protect consumers, there has been a compliance standard enacted by credit card companies. Today, we will look at this standard.

The Truth About Compliance and Cybersecurity

To the average person, there are some definite blurred lines between IT security and IT compliance. In fact, these lines are so blurry to most people that they would consider them the same thing, even though they aren’t. How is it possible to create a fully compliant, completely secure computing environment? You start by understanding […]