Social Engineering Isn’t Going Away

When someone starts talking about social engineering, people often get confused. They think we’re talking about cloning. While having two of something you love may not be terrible, the social engineering we routinely cite is much worse. Social engineering is the act of using social interactions to get people to make cybersecurity mistakes. Today, we’ll […]

A Brief Review of Various Cybercrime Statistics

Every business should be prioritizing their cybersecurity, as hacking is as popular and ever, and some of the worst malware in history is currently spreading. To really drive this point home, we’ve put together some telling cybercrime statistics that clearly demonstrate the damage that cybercrime can wreak.

Five Steps to Better Basic Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity needs to be one of any business’ primary considerations. More than it ever has been before, cybersecurity is one of the biggest day-to-day issues that a business needs to deal with, and this need is only exacerbated by the shortage of cybersecurity talent and loyalty to outdated security strategies have put many businesses in […]

Technology: Then and Now

Technology gives business owners opportunities to expand and essentially has become the center of most business practices. Marketing, customer contact and all sorts of inter and intra communication methods now depend heavily on technology. Let’s take a look at what the past has brought, and what the future could bring us. Before we discuss what […]

Protect Smartphones Like Any Other Computer

We go into great depth on how to protect your desktop and laptop computers from malware and other malicious threats. In fact, one of the first steps you take anytime you are setting up a new computer is to install antivirus and other security programs. You do this because an unprotected device presents substantial risk. […]

Tip of the Week: 3 Signs of a Phishing Attempt

Social engineering is a very important component of many modern cyberattacks, as the popularity of phishing scams goes to show. Protecting yourself from phishing scams will require you to be able to identify them. For today’s tip, we’ll go over a few warning signs that someone may be trying to phish you through your email.

Microsoft Releases Rare Bug Fix Off of Regular Patch Schedule

Most of us like to take matters into our own hands, almost to a point where we might refer to ourselves as control freaks. So, when it comes to letting other people or even our own devices update themselves, we tend to click “remind me later” or “don’t ask me again.” Patches, however, are a […]

How is AI Changing the Face of Cybersecurity?

If you’re concerned about your business’ ability to keep its network secure and data protected, you’re not alone. More businesses than ever are utilizing modern strategies to ensure their networks are safe, their hardware is stable and their data stays secure. With the continual shifts we are seeing in the threat landscape, it’s essential that […]