Taking a Long Look at Your Company’s Bandwidth Needs

The internet has expanded people’s ability to do business, and with it has spurred on a series of innovations that have effectively changed the world. With today’s businesses almost assuredly spending on at least one cloud-based solution, and with mobility making its way into almost every business in one form or another, the demand for […]

Networking Isn’t What It Used to Be

People often take their technology for granted. One of the most under-the-radar, yet crucial parts of a business’ technology infrastructure is the networking equipment. What we mean by this is the cables, switches and routers that connect computers to the network and the internet. This month, we will take a look at typical office networking […]

What Do You Know About Microchips That Power Your Technology?

Computers are made up of many complex pieces of technology, and any business that uses them must have at least a working knowledge of them or a managed IT provider that can help. Among these pieces of technology are microchips, or “chips,” that are responsible for making sure your technology works as intended. We’ll discuss […]

Did You Know Your Router Can be Infected?

A new type of malware is targeting routers in what is considered a large enough threat that even the FBI is addressing it. Even worse, a router isn’t necessarily a device you’d think would be vulnerable to attack from a hacker. What can you do to keep your business’s internet access points secure from hacking […]

Tech Term: Modems and Routers Defined

The Internet is an amazing tool. What do you know about the devices that allow us to access it, specifically modems and routers? Do you know what each does? For today’s tech term, we’ll dive into exactly that. First, it’s important to understand that these devices serve two different purposes. By working together, the modem […]