The Latest Password Best Practices

Passwords are the first line of defense your accounts have against the myriad of threats out there. It’s imperative that you follow industry best practices when creating them so as to maximize security. Thankfully, the latest guidelines from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) make creating secure passwords easy.

Why You Should Update Your Google Password

If you haven’t taken the time to update your passwords lately, particularly the one protecting your Google account, you should do so. Google serves various purposes and is attached to many accounts for most. Considering the number of data breaches and other cybersecurity issues this potentially contributes to, you will want to ensure your Google […]

Are Developers Going to Eliminate the Password?

A lot is made about data breaches and hackers, but I think you’d be surprised to find out that more than 80 percent of cyberattacks are the result of stolen authentication credentials. This has led many security-minded IT administrators to try and find a better way than the old username and password strategy we’ve all […]

Simple Tasks to Improve Cybersecurity

Many businesses need their employees to do the same thing day-in and day-out. With that type of repetitiveness, situations pop up where some crucial stuff is overlooked. Employees that are distracted with their own productivity are susceptible to making mistakes that could have dire consequences for your business. This month, we thought we would give […]

What’s the Best Way to Secure Your Mobile Device?

Smartphones now come with a variety of ways that users can elect to unlock their device, from biometrics to tactile patterns to good, relatively old-fashioned personal identification numbers. Of course, not all these authentication measures secure your phone equally well. Let’s consider some of these measures to determine which one is best for your device’s […]

Tip of the Week: Your Cybersecurity To-Do List

It’s a well-established and widely-known fact that your employees are some of the biggest threats to your business via the technology they use every day. If your employees aren’t aware of the practices and policies they need to follow to prevent these threats, you could find yourself in an unpleasant position. Here, we’ll review four […]

Essential Network Security Best Practices

Too frequently, we hear stories about cyberattacks, software vulnerabilities turned tragic and other terrible situations for businesses. In an effort to help fight this, we’ve put together a list of handy tips for you so you can be prepared to ward off threats.