More Industries are Seeing Accountability and Security with Blockchain

Blockchain is one of the most dynamic new technologies, but up until recently, there hasn’t been a lot accomplished in the way of creating viable distributed software titles. In fact, the most recognized technology created with blockchain is cryptocurrency. This says quite a bit. Today, we’ll look at blockchain-enhanced software and how it’s only a […]

Smart Contracts Will Dominate the Mobile Age

Contracts are a huge part of doing business. The practice is as old as the legal profession. You’ll be hard pressed to complete a transaction where money changes hands where there isn’t a document outlining the specifics of the liability each party takes on by entering that financial agreement. We call them receipts, but in […]

Integration Brings Benefits to Business

For today’s business, agility is important. Things can change so rapidly that if a business commits to one way of doing business, it could spell curtains for them if they’re forced into making changes that don’t work with certain strategies or technologies they’ve chosen to use. These days, software integration can allow businesses to optimize […]

What’s the Point of an IT Assessment

In business today, information technology is being utilized in a manner that can make it seem like business isn’t possible without it. In some cases, it isn’t, but then there is technology being deployed that is inefficiently deployed, used haphazardly and could be looked on as more of a liability than anything else. Frequently getting […]

Are You Properly Managing Your Cloud Services?

Today, cloud services can be used for about every facet of business. In fact, your business probably uses the cloud for some very important parts of your business. With so many options to choose from, business owners often develop a cloud strategy that includes software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and […]

Five Steps to Better Basic Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity needs to be one of any business’ primary considerations. More than it ever has been before, cybersecurity is one of the biggest day-to-day issues that a business needs to deal with, and this need is only exacerbated by the shortage of cybersecurity talent and loyalty to outdated security strategies have put many businesses in […]

Tip of the Week: Working with PDF Files

Portable Document Format files, better known as PDFs, have become incredibly common as a means to save documents in a constant and consistent format that can be viewed on just about any device. They also allow users to make some simple changes to make it even easier to review the data they contain. Here, we’ll […]

Tip of the Week: Tips to Help Manage Your IT Inventory Better

IT inventory management, also known as IT asset management or ITAM, is an important process for any business to undergo. This is effectively the process of ensuring that all of your information technology resources are accounted for and protected. Here, we’ve assembled some practices that will help make this process much simpler. First, let’s delve […]

Software Patching in the Cloud

A lot of computing is done today using cloud computing, which is basically making use of the computing power, space and applications that a provider has on their infrastructure as if they were your own. Doing so can provide a very specific benefit to your security. Have you ever wondered how the cloud itself is […]

A Brief Look at Project Management Tools

To build anything great on a budget or a timeline, you need to have good coordination. At the helm of these projects is the project manager (PM). A job that is extraordinarily stressful and often equally thankless. After all, most customers take the positive resolution to any order for granted.