Blank Emails Could Just Be a Different Type of Threat

Phishing attacks are the most common attack vector used by hackers, and while it helps to know what a phishing attack looks like, it’s also good to know what they don’t look like. The latest example of a phishing attack takes this to an extreme, utilizing blank messages to confuse recipients in a creative take […]

Social Networking Sites Aren’t Immune to Cybersecurity Threats

One of the more overlooked parts of cybersecurity attacks involves social media and social engineering tactics targeting it. If you’re not careful, you could be putting yourself at risk of attacks through social media. How can you ensure that your staff members are keeping security at top of mind even when using social media? Let’s […]

Think Businesses are Only Hit Once by Cybercrime?

Let’s begin with a cold, hard fact. If a business has been targeted by cybercrime from an outside source, there is a 68 percent chance that another attempt to access their network will come within one year. This statistic comes from Crowdstrike, a cybersecurity solutions provider. Despite this reality, there seems to be a perception […]

CAPTCHA and Its Many Challenges

We’re all familiar to some degree with the security measure known as CAPTCHA. You usually see it when filling out forms or logging into sites online, where you have to prove you’re a human being by identifying which of a variety of images fit a certain description. You may have noticed that these tests have […]

Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Phishing Scams

For many businesses, email plays a crucial role in the dissemination of information. Whether it’s simply interacting with clients or pushing directions to individuals, email is a simple and efficient way to communicate. One problem that organizations are running into is that individuals are being inundated with social engineering messages called phishing. This strategy is […]

How to Mitigate Unhappy Online Opinions

As nice as it would be to always please everybody with your business services, it just isn’t going to happen. Sooner or later, you’re going to encounter someone who isn’t pleased, and they’re going to have the capability to let others know about it. Fortunately, there’s a way you can mitigate this damage.

Fingers Crossed! The Robocalls May Soon Stop

While many of us rely on phones to remain productive during the day, too often are we now picking up the phone to a spammer: “Hello, we’re reaching out to inform you that there has been an issue with your account,” or something similar. While this is enough of an irritant in our daily lives, […]

Tip of the Week: Avoiding Scams

Suppose one of your employees sat down at their workstation and was presented with a pop-up telling them that Microsoft has detected a fatal issue with their workstation, and if they don’t let someone remote in to fix it, all of their data will be lost. This could be a serious problem, especially if your […]