How Often Should You Train Your Team on Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is an important part of running a business, especially in today’s age of ransomware and other high-profile hacks. It stands to reason that you periodically assess how effective your security practices are and how prepared your team is to respond to threats. How often should you do so? Let’s take a closer look.

Both Backup and Disaster Recovery are Important

Every business owner wants to protect their data. Even if they don’t pour money into doing so, they typically still understand the importance of it. That’s why 75 percent of businesses perform a backup at least once per week. It’s still good to be reminded how to make sure your backup can work for you. […]

Know Your Tech: A/B Testing

A key component to effectively attracting your audience is to better understand their preferences. Even the most seemingly insignificant change, like changing the color of the buttons on your website, can have a major impact on how effective your materials are. Fortunately, through a process called A/B testing, observing the impact of these changes is […]