Technology Can Replace These Office Conventions

With so many changes in the office environment over the past several decades, it’s no wonder that some of the staples from way back when are no longer crucial to the success of any organization. Technology has driven many conventions of the old office environment into extinction, rendering them obsolete and, in some cases, pretty […]

VoIP Can Be a Valuable Piece of the Puzzle

Business owners and managers are always looking to save capital, but it’s hard to do so as the cost of doing business continues to climb. This leads many decision makers to consider cloud-based tools when they are shopping for the best solutions to their business’ problems. The cloud offers several solutions to help the modern […]

Going Over the Basics of Collaboration Solutions

With businesses depending on technology more now than ever, it stands to reason that the collaboration solutions that are available would improve as demand increases. Today’s business needs a collaboration solution that allows them to communicate, manage tasks and be a reliable solution for teams separated by more than just a wall. Let’s take a […]

How VoIP Can Help the Business that Adopts It

For all the communication services and tools available to businesses nowadays, the telephone remains a staple in everyday processes—despite it often being difficult to manage and expensive to maintain. This is largely because today’s technology enables businesses to use a telephone system that exceeds the capabilities once provided by telephony, for a far more manageable […]

VoIP Is a Solid Option For Your Business’ Communications

Finding ways to save money is something most entrepreneurs take pride in. Today, as costs of doing business continue to climb, VoIP can present the business owner with the rare solution that actually saves them money. Hosted VoIP, in particular — where your phone system is hosted in the cloud — presents an innovative and […]

Is 2021 the Year Your Business Embraces VoIP?

Since its widespread adoption, the telephone has proved to be a hugely beneficial tool for businesses of all kinds, despite the considerable costs it can incur. Fortunately for your business’ budget, however, there is a far more cost-effective means for you to enjoy the benefits of telephony: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Let’s go over […]

5 Ways to Improve Mobile Business Etiquette

Mobility is important to today’s workers and can be valuable to many different types of businesses. So much so, that businesses demand that employees stay connected. Sometimes, especially when in public, this can become a social problem. Today, we will discuss mobile phone etiquette, and five ways you can improve yours.

Mobile Devices are Now Very Important for Businesses

No doubt you’ve noticed the increased use of smartphones. No matter where you go, people are on their phones. Sometimes, they are using them in places you wouldn’t even imagine. For the modern business, employee smartphone usage can be a major pain in the side. Today, we’ll go into how smartphone usage helps and hurts […]

Why is VoIP Seen as Such a Great Business Solution?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a common business communication solution nowadays, but it is still possible that you aren’t aware of what VoIP is and the many benefits it can deliver to your operations. To remedy this, let’s briefly review the concepts behind VoIP, and how your business can embrace them to its advantage.

VoIP Can Be a Game Changer

A business has to have a telephone system. It is the simplest and most utilized method of communication. Many businesses, however, have to consider many variables before choosing theirs, and it adds up to a lot of confusion. They need to take into account the cost, yes, but also the feature set and the phone […]