Is Your Data Recovery Plan Going to Work?

If you’re ever asked about your data backup solution, the last answer you want to give is that you don’t know what measures you’re implementing to keep your organization safe from a worst-case scenario. There are different kinds of data backup and disaster recovery, but they almost always depend on two specific benchmarks: Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO).

Recovery Point Objective
How much data is at risk in the event your organization suffers from a data loss incident? If you’re not taking advantage of data backup services, it’s likely that all of it is at risk. Either way, it doesn’t matter if it’s only a handful of files or your entire infrastructure, data loss is data loss, and your organization could lose precious productivity and efficiency because of it. You should never assume that any amount of data loss is acceptable. After all, you never know when you’ll find certain information useful. Your ultimate goal should be to minimize damage loss whenever possible.

You can consider your recovery point objective the amount of data your organization should strive to reach following a data loss scenario. In almost every case, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than 100 percent of your data. Modern data backup solutions can help your organization accomplish this through the use of frequent snapshot backups, which are designed to minimize data loss as a whole.

Recovery Time Objective
The other half of a data backup and disaster recovery solution is how long it takes your organization to recover. If your organization can’t recover its data in a timely manner, you stand to lose out on a lot of productivity. Workers who no longer have access to important data or infrastructure services won’t be able to do their jobs, making their existence in the office a moot point. Any situation where your organization can’t function as intended can be classified as downtime, and by extension, an operational deficit.

Your goal should be to minimize recovery time so that you can get right back to work following a disaster. The ideal data backup solution should utilize the cloud to advance these efforts because of how intuitive and functional its options for data backup are. By utilizing the cloud to deploy a backup in the event of a loss incident, you can almost immediately recover as long as the data has somewhere to be deployed to.

Does your business need a cloud-based data backup and disaster recovery solution that can help your business optimize RPO and minimize RTO? Advisors Tech can help. To learn more, reach out to us at 844.671.6071.