As 2018 Ends, Mobile Cyberthreats Won’t

Mobile devices have made conducting business much more convenient, as the right application can allow transactions to be made from anywhere you may be reading this blog; however, this increased accessibility has come with a price, such as threats to mobile security, which requires any business to be aware of the state of cybersecurity, especially concerning mobile devices, now and in the foreseeable future.

The Now
It’s the holiday season, which means many will find themselves traveling, either to visit family and friends or to seek out more agreeable climates. With business being what it is, many will also still be trying to get work done during their travels.

Thanks to the incredible capabilities of the mobile devices we have today, this is made much easier. A business that leverages cloud solutions offers mobile users an exceptional amount of maneuverability, and the popularity of bring your own device (BYOD) policies have made it so that the resources needed to accomplish work goals are never too far away. Yet, this access is a catch-22, as it also means data can be easily lost, far from the business’ location and the protections it should have in place.

Resultantly, there are a multitude of ways that a cybercriminal can come into possession of your data, either personal or professional. Fortunately, there are some ways to help prevent this from happening as well.

Public Wi-Fi is too public: When out in public, you’ll want to avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks when shopping or accessing sensitive information. We all know that hunting for the best deals is made much easier when you can look up prices online, but you’ll want to use your data instead. Public signals make hackers’ jobs that much easier with their typically insufficient security standards.

Charity good, charity scams bad: These phishing variants can come in via all avenues, but very commonly take the form of calls and text messages. A scammer pretends to be working for some charity, but just wants your money and data for themselves. If you receive what you believe to be a charity scam attempt, you’d be wise to do some research into who is asking for it before handing over your data, payment information or otherwise.

Charge carefully: Whether you’re at the airport during a layover and trying to eke a few more minutes out of your device, or you’re hunting for deals online as you’re wandering the mall, make sure you’re being smart about how you’re keeping your device charged. Many attackers will hide attacks in charging stations, waiting to strike whomever connects.

The Then
Of course, these hacks and threats aren’t going to end after the holiday season is over. Moving into 2019, the above threats will still be just as large of a problem, along with many other threats. Much of this will be in part due to our reliance on mobile devices.

Hackers will still be able to intercept data exchanged on an unsecure network, more devices will become outdated and insecure and yes, more people will enable these threats through uninformed decisions. Make sure your business isn’t influenced by threats like these.

Advisors Tech can help. Get your business a holiday gift by calling 844.671.6071 and speaking to us about our managed IT services.