Tip of the Week: Enabling Smart Compose on Gmail for Android

As we have opened our lives to technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, it would seem that the predictions made in science fiction are more likely to become fact. Many of these technologies have actually manifested in some of the smallest, but most useful, ways. For this week’s tip, we’ll learn how to leverage Gmail’s predictive Smart Compose feature on Android.

Using Smart Compose on Android Devices
The first thing you’ll have to have in order to use Smart Compose is an active Google account, with the latest version of the Gmail application installed on your chosen device. As you type, Smart Compose will present its predictive text suggestions that a user can either accept or just keep typing to ignore. While this form of machine learning is pretty basic, it does demonstrate how a device can “learn” how a user is most likely to use it – in this case, what word is likely to come next in the user’s sentence.

Turning Smart Compose Off (and On Again)
Of course, some users may find these suggestions inconvenient or distracting. That’s totally fair, and means that these users should deactivate the Smart Compose feature. Access the Gmail app’s menu by pressing the hamburger icon at the top left. You should see your settings from there. You’ll be asked to choose from the accounts that have access to your device. Once you’ve selected the appropriate account, look under general settings to find Smart Compose. Use the toggle switch to activate it or deactivate it as you please.

While Smart Compose may not be quite as impressive as the artificial intelligence that appears in feature films, it has one major advantage over them: it can actually be used to benefit your business. For other ways that you can give your business operations a boost through technology solutions and tips, check back at our blog! You can also reach out to us directly by calling 844.671.6071.