There’s Value in Outsourcing Your IT, Part III

When you need something done that requires a level of skill, experience or knowledge you don’t have, what do you do? Generally, you call in someone who has the required skill, experience or knowledge that is required. Your business’ information technology strategy should be approached in the same way. As we continue our series on how managed services can make a business more efficient, we’re considering consultants.

What is Consulting?
Like we’ve established, it isn’t uncommon for people to recruit an expert or a professional with the capability to assist them with a task they can’t do. There are many reasons people do so, such as not having the skill to safely work on whatever process is required of them or lacking the technical know-how to complete it. Sometimes, it is to simply ensure something is done the right way.

Whatever the reason may be, bringing in an expert, is a great way to help reinforce your chances of a positive outcome.

What You Should Expect When Working with Consultants
First and foremost, the consultants you work with need to have a better grasp on their area of expertise than you do and should be motivated to give you the value you’re looking for in a provider. Advisors Tech qualifies as a consultant for managed services, working with businesses to ensure their information technology solutions are optimized.

As such, we are committed to using the experience and expertise we have built up to deliver the solutions and services our clients need to be successful. After all, the success of a managed service provider is dependent on the success of its clients, providing the motivation to deliver services that deliver the positive outcomes these businesses are looking for.

There are a variety of services we offer to help accomplish this shared goal through our consultation. If the technology you use could stand to see an upgrade, following through with us allows the decision makers we work with to take the data on their past and present IT strategies. As a result, we can make the best decisions for them that will help to cement their business’ future.

Here are some of the consulting services that we offer:

Virtual CIO
One of the biggest concerns businesses come to us with regarding their technology is the cost associated with their IT implementations. There are a few reasons they’ll do so. Some are looking to upgrade, and others will want to scale their technology to match their business’ growth without outpacing their budget. Whatever the reason, there is one fundamental motivation why they do so: Making sure their investment will provide them with the value they require of it.

Working with you as your virtual CIO, we can oversee your complete IT strategy. Our seasoned professionals will evaluate your current technology, identify which products and services will serve your needs best without breaking the bank and work with you to strategize your approach to your IT from top to bottom. As a result, you aren’t saddled with the responsibilities to research and come to decisions, duties you probably have neither the time nor the practical experience to take on.

Business Process Management
One of the major benefits of any business technology is the positive effect it has on efficiency. When working to streamline your processes, your in-house resources may not have the perspective to see the big picture and come up with an efficient and effective plan. An outside resource, like a managed service provider, has that needed perspective. Pair that with the experience they have in optimizing business resources, and you have a winning combination.

By working with a partner who is committed to equipping you with the processes and tools from start to finish, you can shift your productivity/waste ratio in the right direction, and the better your productivity, the higher your revenue.

Vendor Management
How much time has your business sunk, in total, into working with your vendors? How much has that cost the business? You need to keep in mind that vendors are effectively salesmen. Not to say this is a bad thing, but it does mean that the majority of vendors will prioritize making a sale over ensuring you get what will serve you best. However, with Advisors Tech, you will no longer need to deal with vendors, because we’ll do it for you. Anything you need, you’ll be able to call us and get it, simplifying and streamlining your procurement.

Find Out How Else We Can Help
By working with a managed service provider, a company has a simpler means of handling their crucial technology. Whenever they need a problem solved, they simply lean on their provider to see to what’s needed, whether that’s support, resource management or a representative to speak to vendors. We can be that for your business.

To learn more about our consulting services, reach out to us at 844.671.6071, and don’t forget to check back here tomorrow for part four of this series!