How to Safely Use Wireless Internet to Work from Home

While remote work has gained an understandable boost in popularity, many business owners and technology specialists may still be concerned about how secure their workers’ Wi-Fi connections are. To waylay those fears, you need to be sure your employees are using their networks as securely as they can.

To help, we’ll be going over a few best practices you and your team can implement to improve the security of your remote work when using a wireless connection.

Password Best Practices are a Must
Whether at home or in the office, everyone who works within your business needs to subscribe to good password standards. For instance:

  • Don’t rely on easy-to-guess passwords, passwords that rely on predictable patterns or other passwords that might be found on “insecure password” summaries.
  • Use a passphrase or a combination of unrelated, randomly chosen words instead of a password. Not only are these more secure, they are often easy to remember.
  • Update your passwords regularly, including your network access password. Don’t give out the password to your network if you can help it.

Optimize and Update
While many are in the habit of postponing updates until the performance of their tools begins to suffer, remote access requires the use of secure and effective solutions.

Here are a few tips:

  • Each employee needs to have a sufficiently secure suite of solutions to protect the devices they are using, as well as their network as a whole. This should include a firewall, antivirus and a virtual private network (VPN) connection.
  • Each employee should also take additional steps to protect their solutions, such as adjusting and updating their networking hardware and changing the SSID it is known by.
  • Furthermore, all devices themselves should have the latest security updates and patches installed.

Making sure your entire team is aware of these guidelines and abides by them is crucial to your security, regardless of whether they are operating in house or remotely. For more assistance with your business’ technology and the security that protects it, reach out to us at Advisors Tech by calling 844.671.6071.