Cloud Services Are the Rideshare of Business Computing

It can be easy to wonder how cloud services is so beneficial for businesses. After all, the monthly service charges are attractive, but how do they provide the value outside of cost? To understand how the cloud brings rapid and sustainable ROI, it may help to look at an analogy.

Is VoIP Really More Cost Effective?

Every business can use some cost reductions. Most businesses have seen their margins shrink and would love to save some money, especially when it seems like as soon as it’s made, it’s heading right back out the door. One way businesses can shave off their operational expenses is by shifting their business’ telephone system to […]

Determining Your Organization’s Cloud Needs

The cloud is one of the most valuable tools available to modern businesses, but the extent to which organizations utilize it will vary depending on their specific needs. For example, some organizations might be fine with the limited control offered by the public cloud, but others might need more dynamic features and control over their […]

Is Cloud Storage Going to Work for Your Business?

Depending on your business’s operations and industry, there’s a solid chance your company has some sort of investment in cloud storage. More than 85 percent of businesses today use some type of cloud platform, and many of them use a multi-cloud approach to their organization’s IT. At the center of this trend is cloud storage. […]